The Inspiration Behind the Blog

I was born to be a writer. When I published my first novel Wild Point Island, my orange and white rescued feral tabby Chuck decided he wanted to travel and see the island for himself. Chuck's desire to travel inspired me to begin the blog and take Chuck with me whenever I traveled, which I do frequently. This was not an easy task. First, I had to deflate the poor kid of all air, stuff him in my carry-on bag, remember to bring my portable pump, and when I arrive, I pump him back up. Ouch. He got used to it and always was ready to pull out his passport and go. Now it's Theo's turn. Smart. Curious. And, yes, another rascal.

Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chuck's Top Ten List of Cats and Love

Chuck and Ella "snoozing" on the bed together

        Because we celebrate Valentine’s Day this Thursday, Chuck, my rascal cat thought it was the perfect week for him to blog about the subject of cats and love.  Perfect together?
Who would have thought this topic would be on so many people’s minds?
Well, here’s CHUCK’S HOT TOP TEN LIST as proof that people and cats are “purr-fect” together . . .

#10 Lewis Blackwell wrote a book called the Life and Love of Cats and people are reading it and liking it! Yeah!

#9  A video was posted about how Caltech researchers identified neurons responsible for pleasurable sensations that mice feel when being stroked softly which explains why CATS enjoy grooming. Yeah, you guessed it, that video is super popular!

#8 Two San Francisco cat lovers who also happen to be SPCA employees have agreed to let whoever donates the most money to help homeless cats and dogs either design or pick out their next tattoo.  Now that’s love!  Yeah!

Antique valentine, circa 1880's, from Wikipedia

#7 Jennifer Viegas, editor of The Daily Cat, eye-witnessed a romance between two of her adoptive cats--Freddy and Stubby (named because of her super short tail).  They met one spring morning and from that fateful meeting, ate their meals together, played together, groomed each other, and when Stubby passed away, Freddy mourned her passing for two years.  Who said cats can’t fall in love??

#6  There’s a new social media website designed just for cat people, ie. people who love cats: catmoji

#5   If you’re seeking a cat loving soul mate - 

The Big Heart valentine, another oldie, from Wikipedia

#4   If you’re looking for a feline friendly social networking site where you can chat about all things CAT, go to 

#3   Up until now Facebook has not been super welcoming to cat lovers.  You were not allowed to create a page dedicated to your cat.  But now we have Catbook, which  is an app that enables you to build and maintain a social media profile for your pet.  You can also create a timeline for your four legged friend.  Yeah!

Valentine from Wikipedia

#2  Monopoly fans voted to replace the iron with the CAT!  Yeah!

  #1   Hot Blogging with Chuck is a cool blog to read and gaining popularity by the week!  Yeah!

                HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!  


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chuck Falls In Love

I have never tried to deny the truth--Chuck has always had an eye for the ladies.

As we’ve traveled around the world, he’s noticed the beautiful girls and CATS wherever we’ve gone.

He’s quite a flirt when he wants to be.

A cat about town.

So I shouldn’t have been that surprised when I realized that Chuckie had fallen in love with a cute little number who lives at a privately owned cat shelter that I volunteer at on Fridays.

Now just to be purrfectly clear.

Chuck is not the volunteer cat type.

He is much too busy traversing the country and the world and when he’s home, he likes to stay put and eat and sleep. We don’t call him the “belly boy” for nothing. But . . . part of my volunteering includes writing about some of the cats who live at Tabby’s Place, a wonderful organization for cats located in New Jersey.

One of those cats just happens to be a beautiful girl named Chickadee. I’d taken a few photos of her and brought them home with me.

And . . . Chuck had noticed.

Yeah, I had caught him actually staring at her pic on my computer screen.

“What’s up, Chuck?” I asked him one evening.

And, of course, he pretended to be staring off into space, because the rascal cat is often evasive and sometimes uncooperative, especially when it comes to his personal life.

I ignored his attempts to ignore me and plowed along. “This is Chickadee.”

I saw his ears perk up at the name. He couldn’t help but focus in to get a better look.

“Is that your tail wagging?” I asked.

The tail immediately stopped wagging.

But I knew the score and could see that Chuck was falling fast for Chickadee.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, and me being the incurable romantic I am, I had an instant idea.

“Chuck, why not send her a valentine. Let her know how you feel? I have just the one here.” I showed him a cute valentine I had just bought at Hallmark. It had the picture of an orange and white cat that looked remarkably like him on the cover, with an arrow shot through his little cat heart.

It didn’t take that much persuading for the Chuckster to put his pawprint inside. For good measure, I included a photo of him inside the valentine so she could catch of glimpse of just how cute he was!

Well, the days went by. Valentine’s Day came and went. Chickadee got the valentine from Chuck, and Chuck checked the mailbox everyday as if he hoped she would respond. But she didn’t.

Finally, I felt as if I should say something to him.

“Chuck, about Chickadee. I don’t think she’s interested in you.”

He cocked his head to the side and looked a bit confused.

“Chickadee. I’m talking about Chickadee.”

He shrugged.

It seems he was already over her and had set his sights on someone new.

You see I write for two cats at Tabby’s Place and little did I realize but Chuck was now checking out the other beautiful cat. Her name is Colleen, and her eyes were just as green as Chickadee’s.

I guess I should have been happy that the Chuckster’s heart wasn’t broken, but I couldn’t keep myself from saying, “Next time you can buy your own valentine to send her.”