The Inspiration Behind the Blog

I was born to be a writer. When I published my first novel Wild Point Island, my orange and white rescued feral tabby Chuck decided he wanted to travel and see the island for himself. Chuck's desire to travel inspired me to begin the blog and take Chuck with me whenever I traveled, which I do frequently. This was not an easy task. First, I had to deflate the poor kid of all air, stuff him in my carry-on bag, remember to bring my portable pump, and when I arrive, I pump him back up. Ouch. He got used to it and always was ready to pull out his passport and go. Now it's Theo's turn. Smart. Curious. And, yes, another rascal.

Showing posts with label bird sanctuary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bird sanctuary. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Theo in Bird Heaven

            After the semi-dangerous risky encounter with a King Vulture, Theo, the gangster cat, Dan and I are on our way to a bird sanctuary. 

         Now, I love this place, but I have to admit, it is not the most popular. Few people are as into birds as I am. Maybe it harkens back to Emily Dickinson's poem where she expertly describes a bird on the walk eating the fellow raw, referring to a worm. Or maybe it's the Alfred Hitchcock movie Birds which had me in a tizzy for weeks as a kid, imagining an eminent bird attack at any moment. Or maybe it's my sisters who insist that every time we spot a Cardinal, it's really my mom checking up on us. Keeping us safe.

         The sanctuary is a large building. Slightly humid inside. The lighting is a bit more subdued than natural sunlight. There are three separate areas. The first is a large screened in area with birds cohabitating--flying around, drinking tea and building their nests. 

          The second area also has a plethora of birds who flit from branch to branch, but safely behind a viewing screen. 

           Theo would stay in sections one and two forever--in some kind of half dream state--if I don't hurry him along. 

            "Birds, mom."

             "I know but you haven't seen everything yet." I know what lies ahead--birds--some rather exotic birds--that are not sequestered behind screens or in cages. These birds roam free and fly around. They walk around, too, and if you're not careful, you could step on one of them.

           I am in awe. 

           We pause before going in. "Remember the three rules, Theo. No eating. No attacking. No bullying."

           He "listens" before he scurries into the third chamber in front of me, which can be a disaster waiting to happen. 

           "Wait," I call after him as I plow ahead, through a mesh screened entrance way, almost tripping on Theo, now in this special place but completely mesmerized by the scene in front of him.

            In short, Theo is in Bird Heaven. He is almost paralyzed, watching and looking, sniffing, listening. His tail swishes back and forth in a mad attempt to get some perspective.

             Birds are everywhere. Birds to the right of us. Birds to the left of us. And they are all safe because Theo isn't moving. He's too awe struck.


           Then Theo sees the bird of his dreams--the Crested Coua--who lives in the rainforest. His initial mesmerized state is replaced by inquisition. His mouth opens. He begins to make those excited cooing sounds while the bird, completely oblivious to any possible danger, is just being a bird. Dancing around. Eating a snack. 

            Theo crouches down. I know what that means. I have no other choice. My fear is that if I stay out of it, the crouch will turn into a leap. He'll tell himself he's just going over to sniff, but he's a cat. 
             I swoop down and pick him up. Hold him so he can still see the bird, but the momentum is broken. He wiggles to get away. 

             "I know what you're thinking," I whisper to him.
             He turns and makes eye contact with that look on his face. "Let me just be a cat," he seems about to say. 

              "Live and let live," I tell him. 

              He takes one last look at the Crested Coua. Theo knows I'm right. But, still, with his cat dream smashed, he is now one more  pouting cat who'll have to wait another day for an adventure. 

              Like we all do. And isn't that the truth?